Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Publish My Researches!

Today I received a note that the Clinical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology wants to publish my researches. Yes, my researches.  

This is surprising to me because I've never performed any researches in obstetrics or gynecology.   I resided in a uterus for about nine dark months once, but other than that my clinical experience in the subject has been far less than open access. 

Upon investigation it turns out that this fine journal's publisher is in an apartment complex in Irving, TX.  It is located on Love Dr. which is short for "Love Doctor", so irony abounds.  They do have a bitchin' swimming hole for the editorial team to take a much needed dip after a long day of scholarly publishing on gynaecology.

Once again, maybe this is legit and they are a great journal.  

But when asking for my scholarly work in an area that I don't work in, I get a bit skeptical when  they offer to publish my "researches".

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