Friday, August 17, 2018

A RAFT in a Sea of Predators

Today I was invited to publish in the International Journal of Plant Sciences and Horticulture.  I never heard of this one but it sounds right up my alley. 

However, the only alley is the alley between the publisher's Phoenix apartment and the Deer Valley Mall.  The publisher is RAFT Publishing, which stands for Reciprocal Approach for Transformation which sounds more like a gender-bending parts swap than a place to publish scholarly work. 

 The distinguished editorial staff is only a short walk to Panda Express and Chipotle. 

Plant Science and Horticulture?  That's like saying the band plays both kinds of music, Country and Western.  I was curious what the scope of the journal was, so I followed the links.

The International Journal of Plant Science and Horticulture is keen to publish your work on Fisheries or Rural Development. Or is it the Clinical Journal of Nephrology? 

I was curious about the editorial team, so I checked their associated website.  Turns out it is a little vacant, and also maybe the Clinical Journal of Nephrology.  Maybe they work on kidney beans? 

Like grandpa used to say, if you are going to be a predator at least be a good predator, and don't ever be a lazy predator.  He didn't really say that. 

But the point is a good one.  How can I trust a journal that comes from some guy's living room, has a screwed up website, and no editorial board? 

Sadly, they will publish papers, and those papers will be used to advance careers and inform others about science.  This is why the public is unsure of what to believe and what sources can really be trusted.  

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